Northern Brotherhood


created by Karuteru

Can be joined by characters.

Brothers and Sisters in arms, with deep-rooted hatred in hearts


Officially called a guild, but the bond is that of a family, yet with no organization or a leader.

Northern Brotherhood, also called Raiders or Barbarians by some, is a safe haven for all the fauns and others hurt by a human hand. Even looking primitive, it's the best place in the North for the weak and frail, the strong with sense to protect.

The only thing you need to do is keep this place a secret. Do not bring the danger in, or you will become the danger.

Faction Ranks


Leaders of protectors or raiders. They have the power over their respective groups, however none over the regular residents. They are still respected by them, of course, yet it all lies in cooperation, not the role
A group of top fighters, ones the brotherhood relies in on gathering of resources. They raid human residences, taking all they can, often without mercy as they seep with hatred. They also rescue others in need and gather other needed materials while they are out
A military power of Brotherhood. Protectors stay behind, as a line of defense to protect everyone and everything, willing to even die for the safety
Out-brother/ out-sister
An honorary rank given to all accepted by the family, but not a member of it. They either contributed to the lives or civilians or became close enough with protectors or raiders for them to call them a brother/sister

Member Ranks

The weak, the frail, young and old, but also the backbone of the family. They might not excel in the fight, but their skills help to make this a better place for all.

Members: 2 ・ See All