

created by Bawarskie

Can be joined by characters.

Established at Neo-Maera, but nowadays placed their hands at other realms. This group of criminals is hard to spot, they are good at hiding, but also very slow at their work. It is speculated that they try to summon someone, but who?



The Mandragora's cast is wide nowadays, but the oldest members consist of deep one nimares and leviathans. The name, presumably, comes from a gorgonocephalus species who inhabits the bottom of the ocean.

It figures out, they use demons for black market. The scheme is clear: they summon and capture Underworld creatures, then they research them and sold their body parts. Their victims are mostly local fauna and other low-mid sentient creatures, but, who knows that's happening behind their curtains.

Probably, all Mandragora members somehow related to buisness, occultism, or science, either.

(You can join freely if this fraction suits your OCs! Just bear in mind lore and stuff.
You can PM me for desired rank. Only The Heads unavailable to claim atm sorry!)

Faction Ranks


The Heads
Three gorgon's heads, each representing goals of Mandragora. They balance each other and direct the whole organisation.

Member Ranks

The lowest of lowest. Average courier probably doesn't even know that they are transporting. But paycheck is good, so who's care?
The average established part of the group. They can be an assistant to any higher ranker, or do their own thing.
A very valuable staff.
The money person. They hold the great power.

Members: 2 ・ See All