Veritas Legionnaire


created by SunnyCowleaf

Can be joined by characters.

The main legion of Veritas, in Velarune. A band of the strongest Terra Equos you will find.


The Veritas Legionnaire is an enterprise made of the strongest and bravest fighters and warriors of Veritas. Compromised of Terra Equos who aid in the protection of their home, the earth lands.

Faction Ranks


This rank are the highest of the highest. They make the plans of attack and give the primary order on anything that is happening within the Legion. The Legion answers to them. A collection of 8 of the brightest and the best of the region.

Member Ranks

In this rank you will find warriors whom have proved themselves in battle, these will be the front line of defence and often reveered among the Cohorts. Will often be the ones giving the secondary order.
This ranks makes up the mass of the warriors. Standard troops with no real distinction.

Members: 1 ・ See All