The Rifts - Adoption Center

Created: 27 March 2024, 09:48:47 UTC
Last updated: 6 February 2025, 16:24:17 UTC

The rifts is a place where you may somtimes find characters that are for sale for site currency - either coins Coin or rift currency. They can be claimed by anyone who can pay the adoption fee, the only rule is you cannot claim a character you surrendered or created yourself. There are two ways characters can end up in the rift, and three ways to adopt one. Below, you will find all the details!

Surrendering Characters to the Rifts

The two main ways the rifts are filled are via surrendering existing designs in exchange for coin, or submitting special rift MYOs that are created for the rifts!

Surrender for Coin

  1. You can at any time surrender any character you own to the rifts.
  2. This will ask you to name a coin price you'd want for it.
    • GEN (Generator) designs will be put up for less coin than self-drawn designs. A good estimate is 250 coin for a GEN humanoid, and up to 150 for a GEN feral. Should the rifts be overrun with GEN designs, we may not accept them as surrenders in future.
    • MYO/CYL/GA design prices are on a by case basis (can be higher for additional art, for example) but should not be below the price of the species respective MYO cost! Your art is worth more than that.
  3. Mods will go through surrender requests and decide if the amount of currency you want for the character is feasible. Your request may be rejected if the amount is so high that it is unlikely another member can ever buy it.
  4. Once approved, the character is transferred to the admin account and you gain the coins you wanted.
  5. If your character already has a profile, please transfer them to Cylunny on for safe keeping until they are adopted! From there they will go to the new owner.
  6. Mods can put the character into the adoption center at any time for the coin amount you gained, where other members can purchase it.

Rift MYOs

Rift MYOs are made from special MYO slots specifically for the rifts. When submitting a rift MYO, you agree to the fact that the design may be redesigned/redrawn by staff if it sits for a long time. You will always be credited as one of the designers should that happen.

  1. You can purchase a rift MYO once a month from the Reflection's Crossroad.
  2. Any species of any subtype aside humans can be created. Humans are not allowed for rift MYOs, as they are free for anyone to claim.
  3. The design must be created by you.
  4. The design must be a fullbody (ideally clothed if humanoid non-monster) design, same as normal MYO submissions.
  5. You may add 1 rare and 1 uncommon trait, no item needed! Elemental and extraordinary traits are not allowed without an item (outside of rift events).
  6. You can draw any free to use transformation (those that do not list an item to obtain)
  7. Rift MYOs, once approved, will automatically be transferred to the admin account. This will also automatically grant you 1 rift cluster.
  8. Rift MYO Designs can be put into the adoption center at any time for 1 rift cluster, where other members can purchase it.
  9. Rift MYO Designs may be redesigned/redrawn by staff if it sits for a long time. 

And lastly - designs are always a thing that either clicks or doesn't. Do not be discouraged if your design isn't being picked up fast. It's just as valid as all the others! 

Adopting from the Rifts

Three currencies can appear in the rift, each of them can be earned in different ways. To adopt a design, you will need to earn the currency that is listed as its adoption fee.

Coins Coin - The easiest, as it is the main site currency. You can simply earn coins in any way on the site, and then purchase these designs. Characters available for coins are surrendered characters, designs thrown in by mods/admins or made by GA! You may re-sell designs bought for coins for coins, or trade them.

Rift Cluster Rift Cluster - The most common rift currency! Each rift design costs one rift cluster. You earn a cluster by sending in a rift MYO for approval and getting it approved. So it's essentially a blind design trade! Submit one design to the rifts, and adopt one for it. You may not re-sell designs bought with rift clusters, but you can trade them.

Rift Particle Rift Particle - Each year, every player can buy one free rift particle from the Reflection's Crossroad. This gives new players a chance to instantly claim their first character to get started with from the rifts! Rift designs that have been unclaimed for over one month will be available for rift particles instead. If they get redesigned/redrawn, they will return to the rift clusters for one month. You may not re-sell designs bought with rift particles, but you can trade them.