So you want to gaze beyond the veil?
If you want to interact with side species and realms, and you don't know how it works yet, this is the right place! But first, you have to make one thing sure: Go to your settings and find the "See through the Veil" option. Make sure the toggle is on and save. This will allow you to see all side species and their info, guides, related items locations and even old events and lore! Things affected by the veil will always be marked with a little magical wand!
The Lore behind the Veil
If you want to know how all this relates to the lore of Realms Away, we recommend reading this page on the Reflection & Rifts!
Getting side species MYOs
Side species are available through a generic MYO slot called the Multicolor Orb! You can buy it for 350 at the Reflection's Crossroad. This slot, when you open it, allows you to pick any side species and any of their subtypes freely.
Getting side species traits
Like the main species, side species have specific traits that only affect them! These traits are available through generic trait items of the following rarities: uncommon, rare and extraordinary. They are Whisp items you may have seen before! You can also purchase them at the Reflection's Crossroad.
Submitting your MYO
This works the same as with the main species! Small difference being you will have a selection of traits for each trait item instead of one trait automatically locked in.
Prompts & Events
Although most events will likely not focus on side species, you can still complete them with your side species characters if you wish! The rewards granted are all the same.