What a season!
" The Sun is the source of every living thing. We fight and sacrifice to protect the Sun. We ensure that His light reaches every corner of this world. To the foes who stand opposed to us, we'll punish them to the deepest level of Hell. "
Those were the "bibles" that Velra's father repeated to her every day when he was still alive. It's a lesson, an oath, an undying promise that Velra will have to memorize to every single word until the day she is gone from this world. She also listened to Tsukino, one rare human she can trust, and learned about her friend's home in her previous world. Velra was surprised to know that Tsukino also comes from a land that takes the sun as its symbol and representative.
" Oh, so the Sun is really great that even in other worlds it is still being worshipped. "
Velra thinks about how divine it is, how godlike and incredible it is. Dive into the thoughts and help her get rid of the unbearable heat in the summer. Because, how ridiculous, even when those sunborn Lovabuns admire the sun so much, it is still a challenge to stand against those terrible sunny days without "disrespecting" it. Yes, using air conditioners is so disrespectful. That means you are rudely refusing the Sun's blessings. That is Velra's conception, and she is not going to change it. And if the heat is still bothering her, it is her fault for not training hard enough. Until the sunny days are no longer a thing, it's her goal...
Fans are allowed, though. She knows that no success will happen if we rush right to the harsh part. The fan delivers hot winds; maybe that's still enough to cure the heat a little bit and bring the sun's blessing at once. If Ranne asks about it, Velra will explain that if pure winds are meant to be cool, then when their temperature rises, that means they absorbed the blessings. What a nuisance, that Sanctuary rabbit girl. She doesn't know how divine the sunlight is and turned on the air conditioner with lots of complaints when the weather started to heat up just a little bit. I can't say that Velra doesn't want to be like her sometimes; she has to continuously wipe the sweat on her face when training. But putting her own body into uncomfortable conditions to harden it is also one of her undertakings. Velra took another deep breath and kept staring into the spinning fan.
It is a torture that most sunborn Lovabuns' buildings are made of or coated with pure gold. Once they reflect the little-too-bright sunshine, anyone could be sent into a temporary stun. And the sun cruelly burns those buildings, by the way. Velra doesn't know which is better, staying in her house or going out and getting burned into ash. Her metallic gold armor could also grill her alive if she was exposed to the sun for too long.
- Ugh, what a season... what should I do now?
Submitted By TibyakAya
for You are my Sunshine
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Submitted: 9 months 4 days ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months 4 days ago