A Founder's Blessing
Having been told he now needed a founder’s blessing, Osiris decided that it would possibly be a lot easier to try and gain the favor of his own hub’s founder, Ohedra. When he’d decided to become a Shaman, she had come to him and taught him the ways of magic and he knew that he would forever be grateful for her teaching him the ways of the Shaman. In a way to pay her back for her teachings as well as to complete the request set upon him by Night and Light, he’d decided to ask Lady Ohedra if she had any tasks that she would like him to complete.
She’d stared him down for the longest in silence and Osiris kept quiet, knowing that she was quite possibly wondering what he was up to before she slowly inclined her head then waved a hand in a gesture for him to follow her. He silently followed behind her and once she’d stopped at her home, she informed him that she would like for him to organize her various spell books, ingredients and potion bottles around her home since she’d been busy as of late.
With a nod, he quietly made his way into her home and set upon his task, starting off with carefully organizing her ingredients on her work station. Once that was done, he carefully arranged her potion bottles by size and so they would easily be reachable for whenever she needed them.
Once he was satisfied with how those two tasks were completed, he turned his attention to her books that had been absently scattered, as if she had read one then pulled another book from her shelf to read through before moving along and plucking another one from the shelf in order to do the same with that book. Once he’d placed them in their respective places on the shelves, Osiris carefully rearranged the books by size and subject matter so that she may be able to find what she was searching for a lot easier.
Once his tasks were complete, Osiris stepped outside and found Ohedra meditating under one of the trees around her home so he approached her slowly, deliberately making noise so that she would hear him and that he wouldn’t startle her and cause her to want to attack. Ohedra’s blue eyes opened and met Osiris’s golden gaze so he silently gestured towards her home in an indication that he’d completed his tasks so she gracefully rose to her feet and breezed past him and Osiris silently followed along behind her.
Ohedra stepped into her home so Osiris followed then lingered in the doorway, his gaze following his leader as she slowly made her way around her home, investigating the tasks she’d asked him to complete and he hoped that his work was satisfactory to her.
“Well done, Osiris.” Ohedra said and Osiris lightly inclined his head in acknowledgment.
“I thank you, my lady. Is my work up to your standards?” Osiris questioned, peering at her hesitantly.
“It is. You have my blessing as your thanks.” Ohedra said. Osiris put his palms together and bowed lowly in thanks then straightened up before taking his leave, he’d taken up enough of his lady’s time and now he had to report back.
Submitted By StormbornPirate
Submitted: 8 months 2 days ago ・
Last Updated: 8 months 2 days ago