books on magic

In Prompts ・ By pan-da-panda
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Usagi sat on the cold rock seat overlooking the large pond on their property, the sound of a few geese honking in the background. Usagi fought the urge to throw the book they were holding at them, ‘ bloody geese always screaming, voicing their judgment at you’ the lop thought with annoyance, turning to look at the group of geese all still honking at each other Usagi shouted “ OH WHAT, DOES MY METHOD OF LEARNING MAGIC DISPLEASE THE COUNCIL '' making a exaggerated arm wave Usagi watched the geese answer with a chorus of more honking and wing flaps. “ geez, it's not like i need to know anything but the basics `` was all usagi replied looking at the book they still help, the title worn and faded barely visible read  ‘magical basics’ “ it's good to refranshen on basics from time to time, you lot wouldn’t understand with your pea sized goose brains '' the geese responded with more honks of judgment. Usagi made a simple blah noise before turning back to the pond and the book took half a second and then threw it to the ground next to the rocks. “ damn it, the damn geese are right i need a better book “ with that Usagi begins to wander off presumably to find a better book on magic. 



After several hours from when Usagi left their house, they finally stood in front of a quiet old book shop, it was a place Usagi used to fill their home library so needless to say Usagi liked and trusted this bookshop quite a bit. Walking in Usagi is almost instantly greeted by a warm welcome, Usagi recognised the voice and with a cheerful smile they returned the greeting. “ Today I'm looking for books on magic “ Usagi said walking up to the employee who said the original greeting, they were a lop slightly younger than Usagi, the owner's kid. “ ohh magic, this way, this way “ the other lop cheerfully led Usagi to a part if the bookstore Usagi had previously neglected, “ ehh what, what your looking for “ the other lop said enthusiastically “ pops always said you never bought more than that basic book, eh finally taking a proper interest are we” Usagi huffed at that “ i do have other books beside the basics one, i just….” They cut themselves off “ ahh never mind, i just figured it's time to reflect and collect new magic books improve on what i know, mine are quite old and who knows perhaps out if date “ the two spent a good half hour picking out some books Usagi was only semi interested in, before they finished up, after paying and leaving Usagi just wondered if the geese would judge this as well… they probably would.


Back on the rock seat, Usagi sat while quietly reading the books on magic and intermittently taking breaks to meditate on what was read, a single goose pulling at Usagis tail because it wasn’t getting attention, the soft glow of magic arounded the two. Usagi felt a bit lighter after that day. 

books on magic
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In Prompts ・ By pan-da-panda

stupid geese and there judgmental ways

Submitted By pan-da-panda for Ascension: Proof of Magic
Submitted: 9 months 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 9 months 3 weeks ago

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