Hooved Creatures | Awkward Introductions
Gray eyes met with bright Purple, both of them looking up and down at the other creature. Stellamaris felt his ears twitch at the sight of the pointed humanoid ears that the other had. Jezybell found himself not moving at all as he noticed the differences in this creature. They were similar, but certainly not similar enough. Both parties seemed to be unable to find words. Jezybell could tell that this brightly colored Equos was giving him a look of confusion, even if there was some genuine intrigue in there. He admittedly looked at Stellamaris the same way- judgemental, yet curious nonetheless.
Eventually, it was Stellamaris who talked. "Your horns are well-kept. I'm sure if I tried I'd be able to see my reflection in them." A compliment, very simple. Jezybell gave a little smile. "Oh, I know." He didn't need to thank him for the compliment, it was more of a fact than anything really. Though, knowing he should be polite, he decided to try and find something to compliment the other creature on as well. It took him a second, but he did find something that caught his eye eventually. "Your scales are quite vibrant. I can tell that you care for your body." An eyebrow was raised. "I'm aware."
Once again the area was filled with silence. Clearly, they were clashing a tad. Both putting each other above everything while still trying to stay polite. Surely there was something that could bridge the gap between the two... and Jezybelle was the one to find it. "Say, perhaps we could share a bit of our care routines with each other? I'm sure between fauns and equos it can't be that drastic. I'm especially curious about how you care for your hooves- they're quite shiny and vibrant."
Stellamaris perked up a little. "Ah, my care routine. Of course, I wouldn't mind sharing a few of my secrets. I take it that it would be fair to ask for some of your tips in return? Perhaps what you do in order to keep your hair as luxurious as it is." The faun ran his hand through his hair at the mention of it, a smile appearing on his face finally. "My hair- why yes, I... perhaps can part some of my knowledge."
Of course, the two men were different, but they had enough in common to converse easily once they found a topic they both appreciated. Even when you're above everyone else, you can find the rare individual that can be almost as impressive as you are. Key Word being 'Almost'.
Submitted By golden-boy
for Hooved Creatures
Submitted: 1 year 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 6 months ago