Spring in Paradise

In Angelus ・ By Ruttosurma
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Spring in Paradise

Glimmering in elegance, blessed in the light of divine. The gardens of Eden were near ever blooming, ever unmatched in beauty.

Everything here was perfect. From the intricate detailing of marbled fountains to carefully cut shrubberies & henges. The arrival of spring was evident from the now blooming flora surrounding the gilded buildings. With each colors of the rainbow the petals of the flowers swayed against the warm breeze whispering promises of summer to come. The birds were singing their songs of adoration & love, the butterflies circled around the flowerbeds enthusiastically in search of sweet nectar.

In one of the more private corners of the many vast gardens sat a seraphim, his wings tucked comfortably as he sat upon a blanked woven from holy silks. Before him was an arrangement of cakes & pastries in delightful colors of pastel & filled with cream of sweet fruits. Tea poured into a porcelain cup of golden detailing rested upon his lap, his posture strict & elegant.

Beneath a carefully crafted mask was an expression lingering upon disappointment. A picnic for one. Such a cruel joke it was, or so he thought. A friend of his had promised to join him that evening. To sit down & chat about life, all the while enjoying the freshly baked delicacies & tea. Business seemed to be the priority of his friend on that day, of which Valentine could not blame them for. He himself had a duty to fulfill, his rank as seraphim one he would carry with honor & dignity. He was fortune enough to be blessed with his wings, to have the life of luxury & purity he was living.

But even then, it did not seem enough.

Something felt missing. A large piece in the puzzle of his life bordering on perfection. Someone to share his deepest wishes & secrets with. A companion, the one true love of his life. Though as did the birds in the trees above, he had his share of courtships & suitors in the past. Though all of them were met with the same, negative answer. Some were too arrogant, some too meek & quiet. It seemed that Valentine was cursed with the misfortune of bad luck. There was always something wrong, something off with those approaching him to try & make the everlasting bond.

The tea which was meant to be as sweet as the arrival of spring turned out to taste bitter. Bitter with the creeping feeling of loneliness in a world now otherwise filled with love. Perhaps he was thinking about it all too much. Perhaps he should have focused on other things more instead of grieving over the lack of romance. After all a man of his status had better things to worry his mind about. With a sigh, the angelus watched the birds fly into the skies.

Was it truly paradise if one had to live without the embrace of love?

The End

Valentine Down Divider
Spring in Paradise
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In Angelus ・ By Ruttosurma

The spring has arrived! Valentine ponders upon love over a lonely picnic in the gardens of Eden.

Submitted By RuttosurmaView Favorites
Submitted: 11 months 1 week agoLast Updated: 11 months 1 week ago

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