Flustured Win

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Okay, so this was a bit out of his league, but Onni was ready. One of his patients was a saurian delegate, and in thanks they wanted to… Fight him on his home turf? It seemed counter productive and really Onni should say no but who was he pissing off a delegate? So, the gleamstic agreed. Now ready, Onni glowed with excitement. 


“I have allowed you to fight me on your home turf as thanks, but I will not let you win so easily. Understood? Your surroundings are fit to help however you feel, since you are… Small. Be tricky, and do not disappoint.”


“No worries, I'm good at that.” Onni winked, and the saurian let out a snort of amusement. “Cheeky, not like the patient doctor.”

“Eh. Off work.”

“Good, patience only gets so far.”

The saurian charged, and Onni jumped. He watched the other, waiting. Patience got him pretty far actually, like now.

She turned on Onni, and quickly snarled as dirt was thrown into her eyes and a well placed hit on her tail got Onni a point.

He was trying to be careful, avoiding her wounded leg. It was kinda shitty dealing with her when the saurian was cranky from a 'minor break’. 

Minor break my ass.

Onni thought with snide amusement. Watching as she favored one leg over the other. He would have to be careful, not wanting a cranky dino as a patient in the near future.

The gleamstic jumped, not wanting the clubbed tail to hit him. Onni was not quick enough to avoid being grabbed and thrown though. The gleamstic rolled to avoid hurting his wrist, eyes blazing. It looked like she could see better now…

Onni's eyes narrowed, pupils slitted. The gleamstic jumped up a fire escape making the saurian laugh.

“Running, healer?” 

Her laugh stopped when he ran onto the railing and jumped, running against the wall then jet diving towards her. Momentum knocking her over. 

Point two.

Then, he gave her a palm to the forehead.


The delegate exhaled.

“Cheeky in battle too… I suppose we can call this battle over.” She grinned.

“Now you can tell that boyfriend you spoke of that you beat one of us.”

Onni froze. He only told the nurse..

“You… heard that?” He wanted to die.

She gave a sharp toothed grin. 

“Every bit of it, Dr. Puppy Love.”

Yup. He was gonna die here and now.

Flustured Win
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In Prompts ・ By Pastalli_the_Pasta

Onni would rather not thnx

Submitted By Pastalli_the_Pasta
Submitted: 11 months 1 week agoLast Updated: 11 months 1 week ago

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[<i class="fas fa-magic mr-1"></i>Flustured Win by Pastalli_the_Pasta (Literature)](https://realms-away.online/gallery/view/564)


EliMoon Avatar
EliMoon Staff Member
This was a fun interaction to read, thank you for putting a smile on my face!

2024-03-27 11:16:47

Pastalli_the_Pasta Avatar
I am always happy to help a smile! I'm glad it helped. ;u;

2024-03-27 20:25:46

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