In Unfamiliar Territory

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Áine was told to stay away from the Underworld, but she was never the most stringent rule follower. She dawned a dark grey hooded cloak and began her journey. After a century spent in Eden, she was curious as to how Demons lived. She has only heard tales from her peers and higher ups, which left her feeling like she may be missing information. She knew if she was caught, by demon or angelus, this act of defiance would reap dire consequences. She would decide if that risk was worth running after she was done.

She carried little with her, intending to keep this trip short and unnoticeable. As she entered the Underworld, she was struck by the dark tones that set the environment around her. She involuntarily gasped, drawing attention from a few demons nearby. After a moment, those demons seemed to shrug her reaction off and went back to their business.

She walked carefully about, paying attention to every little detail around her. Anyone watching would call her paranoid, but Áine would state that she was only hypervigilant. That was until she bumped into a demon that basically towered over her. She apologized, fairly sure this demon was of high rank, looking at his wings and size. When she finally looked at his face, she was aghast to see a dark halo.

She had heard of demons with halos. She heard many stories of how a demon may have obtained one, though she doubted any actually held water, they all circled her mind. The tamest would be a half-angelus demon born with a halo, but the scariest was a demon defeating an angelus. The angel was glad she had control enough to keep her halo hidden and that her cloak hid her wings.

The demon looked down at her, frowning. He seemed to be trying to take measure of the small, cloaked being that had accidentally bumped into him. His voice was gravelly. “Most people watch where they’re going in crowded areas.”

Her voice was gentle, but snarky. “Most people are not new to the area, are they?”

“Oh, sassy little creature, aren’t you? This isn’t exactly the place for such an attitude. Does a feisty one like you have a name?”

“And you would like to know why?”

“First, you bumped into me. I’m not hard to miss, even if there are others the same size as me. Second, you’re engaging in conversation with me. I think both of those qualify for me to know your name.”

“Would you tell me yours in turn?” Áine asked, the angelus seeming to get more frustrating to deal with the longer the conversation dragged on.

The demon regarded her for a moment, the silence between them tense. After a moment, he picked her up, causing her to gasp. She did not fight, out of shock from suddenly being carried. That shock soon turned offense at being carried.

“Put me down,” she hissed, not wanting to draw more attention to her.

“You don’t want to be put down here, little angel, your cloak may just slip,” he was calm, and she knew he could feel her wings under the cloak.

“I-” she had begun to talk before huffing. She hated that she did not even get to see how demons interacted with each other before being discovered. After a second, she calmly asked, “What is it you’re going to do with me?”

“Well, are you still going to refuse to tell me your name? Judging by that expression, you are. I take it as you’re not here with permission from your people, and I know you’re not here with permission of the Underworld. So, why are you here, putting yourself at risk?”

“I am not a spy, if that’s what you are inquiring about.”

“Obviously not, a spy would have orders from their people and know better than to walk around gawking.” He stopped walking and sat her down. She could tell they were near the border. “But, I won’t tell anyone you were here,” he handed her a card. “If curiosity gets the better of you, write and I’ll help you, for a price.”

She reluctantly took the card. “And why will you not tell anyone I was here?”

“It puts you in my debt. Plenty of favors can be earned by just keeping secrets, little angel. Now, tote yourself back to Eden before someone comes searching for you,” he turned and left her there.

In frustration, she left for home, figuring the demon would stop and make sure she listened. Nothing worse than almost sating one’s curiosity and being forced to give up.

In Unfamiliar Territory
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In Prompts ・ By Cryptid-Quinne

Áine is an easily curious angelus, and that sometimes gets her into trouble. What happens when she decides curiosity trumps any orders?

Submitted By Cryptid-Quinne for Of Summoning Demons
Submitted: 1 year 3 days agoLast Updated: 1 year 3 days ago

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