[Gift] Field Hazards
Log E-6077
I encountered a demon today. She didn't seem much of a threat, and appeared more surprised and intrigued when she came across me in the field. I had been gathering supplies and experimenting on the local flora when she approached me from behind. I think I may have startled her somewhat as I had been entirely expecting her. So much for sneak attacks.
She seems to have grievances with some “Viviana”, described crudely as “the feathered” or “holy bitch” among other things. I suppose she means an angel. I still don't know much about these entities, but they remind me a bit of the Star Mages, so I am somewhat negatively biased to say the least.
All that aside, the Underworld is chock full of strange but useful materials. I'll need to make more trips to investigate further.
Submitted By alienbirb
for Of Summoning Demons
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Submitted: 1 year 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 3 weeks ago
2024-02-18 05:25:32
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2024-02-18 06:06:16
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