Launching an Attack

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Osiris tilted his head, golden eyes examining his fellow Lopilu fighting against the Arma Caeli that were trying to invade the Lopilands and possibly other areas. A shuffling noise caught his attention so he shifted his gaze down, spying his Geodo companion Pelias next to him, the bird’s head tilted up to stare at him.


“I know, my friend, I know.” Osiris murmured, his voice a deep yet quiet rumble. Hopping in place, Pelias clicked his beak then turned his attention to the aliens and Osiris nodded his head. Lightly gripping his staff in his hands, Osiris gave it a light spin and quietly murmured a summoning spell under his breath, several spirits appearing afterwards, waiting to be commanded.


Nodding to himself, Osiris rushed forward with the spirits quickly following after him and he heard a gravely sounding noise and he knew that Pelias was following him as well. The small group charged, attacking the invading Arma Caeli, several of the aliens that Osiris managed to strike with his staff were hissing in pain and he knew that his poison had hit and was affecting them even though he wasn’t sure how it would affect them but he knew that it was working.


Feeling the ground shake under his feet, followed by a squawk from Pelias, Osiris lifted his gaze up to the sky and narrowed his eyes. He eyed the ship that was in the sky and muttered a spell under his breath, casting dark magic towards it and the aliens that were starting to come out from it. Focusing his magic into his staff, Osiris began swinging his weapon and attacking the aliens that began to quickly come his way and he knew that it was either fight or flight and there was absolutely no way in hell that he was going to flee.


Osiris quickly dodged under a blast that was shot towards his head then spun in a circle, sending a blast of dark magic at one of the aliens that had come his way and sent them backwards. Hearing rushed shuffling, Osiris glanced from the corner of his eye and saw Pelias quickly scuttling along the ground, running in a zig zag motion to dodge the magic blasts that were coming towards him so the Shaman quickly dealt with the alien that was chasing after his companion.


“Good lad, Pelias.” Osiris called towards his companion. Pelias clicked his beak in response then darted into the underbrush to hide and wait on his next surprise attack and an amused huff escaped Osiris’s nose at the sight then he launched back into attacking, summoning more spirits to aid him in fighting and he hoped that the battle would be ending soon.

Launching an Attack
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In Beastling ・ By StormbornPirate
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Submitted By StormbornPirateView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year 2 months ago

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[Launching an Attack by StormbornPirate (Literature)](


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