In Search of a Key

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Rascal paused with each step, fluffy raccoon ears flickering as they listened to their surroundings to make sure none of those aliens were coming their way. Their pawed feet made little to no noise as they crept around the ship in search of the key that their friend and alien Gleam, Eowyn had mentioned that she’d heard about.


When Rascal had first met Eowyn, they were very wary of her because they’d never met a Gleamstic like her before and when she’d mentioned being an alien? Well...Rascal was a little cautious around her since they weren’t sure what it was she wanted. When she expressed she just wanted friends, Rascal relaxed and then soon the two of them were fast friends.


Then when they all heard about another type of aliens, ones looking to conquer their home planet of Candoris, Rascal had volunteered to be the one to sneak around to try to find the key to the vault of the Arma Caeli that Eowyn had said she’d heard stories of back in her home. When questioned why they would want to be the one to sneak around the Arma Caeli ship, Rascal quickly mentioned that they were extremely stealthy, having been a mischievous child growing up.


Once it was quickly agreed upon, Rascal was briefed on what was known about the strange Arma Caeli then they were told by Eowyn that she would be the one to help them get to their destination since she’d arrived to Firefly Grove in a small ship when she’d first gotten there and she kept it in tip top shape in case she ever needed to use it for anything and she was glad that she had.


Shaking themself out of remembering how they got to where they are, Rascal listened again then quickly and silently moved through the hallways of the ship. Pausing when they heard a noise, Rascal quickly and quietly made their way up the wall of the ship, using the little grooves and divots in the wall as and hand footholds and they quietly plastered themself against the wall and breathed slowly and quietly in order to hopefully avoid being found.


Their brown eyes widened slightly and they held perfectly still as one of the Arma Caeli guards slowly made their way through the hallway that Rascal was slowly but surely sneaking their way through. Their fur crackled and popped from the electric current that came off the Arma Caeli as they walked through and Rascal bit their tongue to keep from letting out an annoyed noise at the fact that they knew that their tail would probably end up tangled later from the static.


Once the armored alien was out of sight, Rascal listened carefully to make sure they were actually gone and hadn’t sensed them hiding up the wall and pressed against it, the raccoon carefully made their way down then immediately ducked down the right-hand hallway where the Arma Caeli had come from and a jolt of pride seemed to explode in their chest when they realized that they were right where they needed to be.


Bingo.” Rascal whispered under their breath, quickly snatching the key from where it was at then they stealthily started making their way out of the ship so they could find their way back to Eowyn to go back to Candoris so that they could report the success of their intel mission.

In Search of a Key
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In Prompts ・ By StormbornPirate
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Submitted By StormbornPirate
Submitted: 1 year 3 months agoLast Updated: 1 year 3 months ago

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