Snowy Day
Eisa moved as silently as she could, pausing to listen as she sneaked around, knowing that Ridley was somewhere with Astro. She adjusted the crocheted scarf around her neck then tugged the beanie down on her head to cover her ears more when the wind blew and ruffled her hair slightly.
Adjusting the gloves on her hands, Eisa quickly and carefully started scooping up snow and packing it into balls once she’d situated herself behind a tree, having spotted Astro just ahead of her in the field, his back to her. Once she was sure she had a decent pile of snowballs in her reach, Eisa peeked around the tree and saw that Astro was still in the same spot.
She picked up one of the snowballs then pulled her arm back and launched the snowball through the air. The snowball arched through the air the smacked into the back of Astro’s head so she quickly ducked back behind the tree, suppressing a giggle when she heard him let out a yelp and she knew he’d quickly swung around to see where it had come from.
“Eisa...I know that was you!” Astro called out.
Eisa bit her lip to keep from bursting into giggles, listening as Astro walked around to search for where she was hiding so he could possibly retaliate. Hearing him pause, Eisa peered around the tree she was still behind and saw that while he’d moved but his back was still facing her. Quickly grabbing another snowball, Eisa launched it at her friend again then whipped back behind her hiding spot and covered her mouth with her gloved hands when he yelped again.
Hearing his hurried footsteps towards her, Eisa’s eyes widened significantly so she took off running and laughed when she glanced over her shoulder and saw that Astro was giving chase. She ran as quickly as she could through the snow, throwing herself to the left when Astro lunged towards her and tried to grab her. Eisa rolled in the snow and quickly sat up, shaking the snow off her hat and face then started laughing when she realized that Astro had landed face first in the snow after he dove at her and missed.
“You little shit!” Astro laughed, quickly sitting up and shaking the snow from his icy blue hair which prompted Eisa to dissolve into a fit of giggles.
“Have you seen Ridley?” Eisa asked once the two of them had quit giggling.
“I haven’t.” Astro commented, shaking his head. A frown crossed Eisa’s face and she wondered where he was only to let out a startled squeal when she felt a snowball splatter against the back of her head, the remnants of the ball sliding down the back of her neck and into her jacket and shirt.
“COLD!” Eisa yelped, quickly shaking out her shirt in hopes of getting it out of her clothing. Astro laughed and looked up, only to be met with a snowball to the face, courtesy of Ridley who was just a short distance away from the two of them.
“I figured get the two of you first before you decided to gang up on me.” Ridley commented when both Eisa and Astro glanced his way.
“That’s fair.” Eisa chuckled.
“C’mon. Let’s head back to your home and warm up so you don’t freeze half to death.” Astro said as he got to his feet, holding a hand out to Eisa. She took his hand and dusted the snow off herself then made her way back to her house behind the two male dragons.
A smile crossed her face as they walked, chuckling as Astro leaned down to grab a handful of snow and throw it at Ridley, grabbing his friend in a headlock to rub the melting snow into his two tone blue hair and she couldn’t think of a better way to spend her morning.
Submitted By StormbornPirate
for Frosty Follies
Submitted: 1 year 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 3 months ago