Chaotic Camp
-Gosh, son of a biscuit eater! You should at least look down before releasing it!
Kiriko hugged her face after being hit by a wood log that Yukari dropped from a tree nearby. The black-haired girl in school uniform slowly climbs down, keeps bowing, and says sorry.
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Are you hurt?
-Urgh, man, you can look at my bloody face and ask, am I hurt? How can you be that silly?
-I'm so sorry! You can hit me in the head 100 times and curse me for my whole life as compensation! I'm a sucker that deserves death!
Yukari keeps bowing, then holds Kiriko's hand and looks at her with sprakly eyes, like begging to be hit. Kiriko sweared something before withdrew her hand and ran towards Sasaki, who was sitting nearby, laughing her ass off.
-Medic! Medic! It's not war, and we still kill each others! I'll tell the commander and get you fucked, girl.
Sasaki keeps laughing. She's holding the medicine box for people; Tsukino told her to bring at least one of them because making camp is not easy work. But now she's hugging it onto herself while laughing. Kiriko angrily looked at it.
-Hey! If you don't want to heal me, just give me the box! Now, or I'll hit you in the head! Stop laughing!
It's really chaos. Everybody here is familiar with how Kiriko swears around and spits rude words; they know she wouldn't mean it. So, things only get heated up at a laughter party. No one got pissed off except for Tokuko. She always favors silence, order, and work. But now, none of them seem to be in place. This is the 35th squad, each of them shattered into different realms. This is a rare occasion when they can meet, but things don't seem to be good. Tokuko should have yelled at them and given each one a painful cut wound for being this jolly, but she's trying her best to stay calm and read a book. But she knows that for the past few minutes, she has only kept reading one line. Noises from those chaotic people out there keep taunting her. Where is Tsukino? Why won't she stop these maniacs from being silly and just focus on work? Tokuko closed the book and tossed it on the grass. She starts looking around for their commander. But she's nowhere to be found. Disappointed, the cold girl stared back at the chaos.
-Hey, you freaking war criminal, you should drop dead for treating me like this. You useless dressed doll, that's up to no good!
Kiriko, with her face bandaged, keeps insulting Sasaki, even though that little one doesn't seem to care. After some minutes of reviewing her makeup with a mirror, Sasaki turned her head around to look at Yukari, who's almost crying for all the aftermath of her unintentionally dropped wooden log. She looks so pathetic, trying to hold back her eyes full of tears. They saw the messy bunch of materials that were supposed to be built into a camp now. Sasaki sighed, then pointed her lip stick at that ugly mess.
-Hey, Yukari. Stop being weak and go make the camp.
I didn't wait for her to finish the line. Yukari ran to that pile of wood and started using a hammer to pin them to the ground. She keeps swinging back and forth on her trembling legs to try to make the tent stand up. But she needs someone to hold the other end while she does the nails. Kiriko gave her a hand so quickly, reasoning, "We need to get this done quick before Tsukino arrives," and keeping a distance from Yukari. Her kindness is almost as well-known as her cruel mouth, but the poor, guilty girl didn't notice that. She put her head down and sobbed silently. Sasaki, after finally looking away from her face in the mirror, saw that and kept giggling. Some chaos is going to explode soon, although everything seems to be settled down right now. Tokuko looked more relieved until she stood up and gave Sasaki a kick right in her buttocks.
-Go and work before I give you another gift that you'll wish you had never been born.
-You too, Toko? You and Kiriko are so alike... Are you two born to be bound by others? Awww, so sweet!
Sasaki keeps messing around with her sassy voice, then got kicked for a real one. Tokuko watched her roll down the hill with some high-pitched screams. She looked at the other two.
-Better hurry up, guys, or we won't catch up. Tsukino, Hoshi, and Kirifuren are coming. This will be a great night.
Sorry I got a writeblock
Submitted By TibyakAya
for The Great Outdoors
Submitted: 1 year 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 3 months ago