Let’s Play A Game
Roz trekked on, her legs getting tired from traveling all day. Her mission…to gather more information on the newly discovered beastlings. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little bit excited to finally be going in herself. Roz had heard many things back home, but now it was her turn to get a glimpse into Arboreum for herself.
The forest was growing thicker as she ventured on. She knew she was getting close, not to mention she was running out of map to follow. This was uncharted territory, and there was no telling what she might discover. Hopefully the beastlings were as friendly as they said they were…but the forest told otherwise, it was getting dark and maybe a little spooky. Was she in the wrong place? This is one of the paths they said to take… She thought to herself.
She stepped carefully as the path began to narrow and the brush became thick. As quiet as she was trying to be, the ground was covered in dead leaves that crunched with every step. Rozalyn looked around, taking in the new scenery. Thud! A small group of bats screeched and flew out of the trees, and Roz found herself on the forest floor. She had gotten so caught up looking around, she had forgotten to watch her feet. How embarrassing…So much for going unnoticed. She sighed. Getting up and brushing herself off.
“Just my luck.” She grumbled to herself.
Roz pushed on, hopefully it wouldn’t be that much further. Especially since she was starting to see a lot of creepy crawlies. Maybe this was best left to someone else she thought.
Rozalyn stopped, listening intently, but it was hard to hear over the chirping and buzzing of the bugs in the forest, that were growing as she got deeper and deeper into the woods. Maybe it was just an animal. She decided to move on cautiously.
“Lost? Are we?” A mysterious female voice said smoothly. Rozelyn looked around, but saw no one. The mysterious voice giggled.
“Show yourself!” Roz said, her voice a little shaky.
“Don’t think I’m coming out with that big ol thing strapped to your back miss…thing.” The voice said smugly.
“I’m here on business.” Rozalyn said, ignoring the voice’s last comment.
“Business? Of what kind?” the mysterious voice inquired.
“I’m gathering information on the beastlings.” Rozalyn replied.
“Well…put down the gun and maybe I’ll consider helping you, deal?” The mysterious voice said.
“Alright…but no funny business.” Rozelyn replied reluctantly. She continued to remove the gun strapped to her back and propped it up against a tree.
“Okay, now show yourself.” Roz said flatly.
“If you insist…” The voice sighed.
There was a deep whooshing sound followed by a light crunch as the creature landed on the path. Roz was a little surprised, the creatures that had been described to her had been more animalistic, but the figure standing in front of her was almost human…it stood upright but still had paws and an animal-like face. She was bat-like with wings and a pointed face…
“What? Don’t like what you see?” The creature said, sounding offended.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting you to be so…human.” Roz replied hesitantly.
“Oh, you were looking for this?” The creature said, she shrunk down into a small bat-like creature. She looked as her friends had described. She giggled again.
“Well I much prefer this form.” The creature said as it transformed back into its humanoid form.
“How…” Roz started.
“Before I answer anymore questions…how about a game?” The creature said.
“A game?” Roz questioned.
“Hmmm…yes, you see, I am feeling a little hungry. But only for red bugs…so I propose… whoever can find the most red bugs before the sun sets wins. If I win, you turn back, and I won't answer anymore questions. And if you win, I’ll take you to my village and let you pick my brain.” She said.
“But I will warn you…I consider myself somewhat of an expert at catching bugs…” The beastling said, giving a little giggle. “Tick-Tock…it doesn’t look like you will have much time.” She said looking up at the orange light coming through the trees.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” Rozelyn grumbled to herself.
Bugs…it would be bugs. Where do I even start? I guess bugs like to hide in leaves. Rozalyn started looking through the brush…inspecting the stems and the leaves for bugs. But all she could find were brown, and green bugs. She couldn't let the beastling win, so she kept searching intently. Though…she hated bugs, and if it hadn't been ordered she would gladly turn back and let someone else play this game. And then, there it was…a bright red bug, hanging onto the stem of one of the bushes. Rozalyn reached for it…and it quickly took off and zipped away. Damnit. This is gonna be harder than I thought.
Roz kept looking, quickly finding lots more bugs, and every so often, a red one. She had learned from the first attempt to be fast, which led to more success on her next attempts. She collected them in an empty jar that she had kept in her pack.
She was almost out of time, as the shadows of the forest soon overtook the soft orange glow. She spotted a red bug sitting on a low hanging branch, she quickly grabbed for it, catching the poor thing off guard. That would make eleven…and the chances of that being a winning number were next to none.
Roz headed back to the place she had met the beastling, who was waiting for her somewhat impatiently, with her own container full of bugs.
“Oh there you are. I was starting to think you had given up.” The beastling said. “Any luck?” she asked with a grin.
Rozelyn held up her jar of bugs in response.
“Impressive…” the beastling purred. “Usually they come back…empty handed.” She pouted.
“Real sad story…” Roz replied flatly.
“Hmm, yes.” The beastling said. “I guess we should take score hmm?” The beasting said, reaching for Roz’s Jar.
Roz handed the jar over to the beastling who quickly began counting the bugs in the jar.
“I don’t suppose you’ll let me count yours?” Roz said. “…so it’s fair.”
“I guess for the sake of fairness.” The beastling reluctantly handed her bug container over.
Roz quickly went to counting the bugs in the bottle. One, two, three…fourteen. But as she turned the bottle, a couple of them didn’t fit in…a couple of them weren’t red, but a bright orange. So it was only twelve bugs the mysterious beastling had collected. Some expert… Roz thought to herself.
“Only eleven?” The beastling interrupted Roselyn’s thought.
“I thought you said that was impressive.” Roz replied.
“Maybe for an outsider…but is it worth spilling my secrets?” The beastling trailed off. “No,no, you lost sweetie, better luck next time…” She said.
“Hmm, an outsider…you only caught twelve red bugs, I’d say that’s just as good.” Roz stated.
“Twelve?!” The beastling stammered. “I caught fourteen! Count again!” The beastling said offended.
“You caught fourteen bugs, but only twelve of them are red.” Roz replied. “The orange ones don’t count.”
The beastling grabbed back her bottle, looking carefully through the glass.
“Hmm, I guess you’re right…” The beastling replied. “But I still won.”
“I suppose I could indulge in your curiosities.” The beastling replied after a long pause, a twinge of defeat in her voice.
“Come along, miss…” the beastling started.
“Rozelyn.” Roz replied.
“Yes, miss Rozelyn. Come along and I will show you my village.” The beastling said.
Rozelyn picked up her gun and slung it over her back. She and the beastling started back down the narrow path through the woods. There was no telling what kind of secrets Roz was about to uncover.
Submitted By Sivasin
for A new Transformation
Submitted: 1 year 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 3 months ago