"The allmighty priest"
He poked the ears, what ensued was quite a funny display of enemies to friends trope. Orpheus was bitten by the small creature he has encountered as he has later found out it feeds on blood, quite like a vampire he was thinking to himself finding it amusing. The small creature then found out that the priest also had his methods of self-defense, leaving the small it unconscious for a while.
He did feel bad for that and waited and cared for the small soul to wake up and make up, they got along in an instant and connected as the small creature thought that Orpheus’s fashion was quite cool, for a lopilu that is.
Orpheus has proceeded to explain why he has come to their forest, being curious about the rumors and the vibes. He could not be more pleased! Maybe he can find something to inspire his manor bar! He has continued to walk around the forest for the following days camping where he could and with his mini guide on his shoulder learned lots about the rivalry and other things going on in this place. Not many Beastlings were met along the way and all of them so far were of the Vesperus type according same as your companion. How would the others present themselves, Orpheus asked himself waiting to see some very fluffy balls maybe he could take pictures and send Oberon one, his thing fluff. He left his tiny friend behind to enter the other side of the forest, curios to see what he could see there.
He felt eerie very calm, maybe too calm, that is when he heard leaves rustling, in front of something unseen in this place, a pair of two that looked more like himself than the so far meet beastlings.
“When I was thinking I understood this place I have been fooled gain ha? How did you manage to do this first time I see it.”
"A sliver of magic," She says. "From a strange rift."
“Show us your wits and we are willing to bestow this knowledge upon thee”
“Sounds found let me think!” … “Anything goes ha?”
“Then, you grumpy fluff, face me in a game of friendly fencing, we can use nearby sticks I don’t mind”
“Hmm? Interesting, fine! Don’t cry if you lose haha!”
“First 10 touch on the opponent wins!”
Now what Orpheus instantly thought was:
This will be an easy fight!!! Not only I am a highly trained priest but also more agile! The opponent is way larger!! And has a ton of tails, must be harder to move around!
Well, he forgot some things… his opponent can shift his form…
Well, after not much preparation , just some sticks of equal length and a scoring board on the floor, score held by the 3rd person present.
“Shall the game commence!”
“En garde!”
First moves were quite reckless from both ends, judging and analyzing their opponent, due to Orpheus’s slimmer nature and being more agile first point was his, touch on the right side of his enemy. And just as easy for him the second point also came, neck side. They had set the rule of no hits to the face, tails and legs, everything else was fine, and of course no fatal blows, this had friendly fire on per say.
When the third round commenced however, someone started rushing and poof, became a small one, in the eyes of Orpheus his enemy was gone, poof! Well in fact he was just on the floor, and then sized up with a swift swing of the branch he hit in the middle of the chest scoring his first point!
“Hey! Chea… well that is interesting!! A new challenge! I welcome it with open arms! But it won’t work again!”
“My pleasure!”
But the enemy was not the only one that were hiding a trick or two up their sleeve, the self-named almighty priest could enhance his abilities as well and as well, only in the case he loses…
Second point to the beastling!!!
“Well, well, time to get more serious I suppose!” Gleaming eyes as Orpheus chanted something, powers awakened for this priest.
“I guess I am not the only one able to change something”
With a small smirk, Orpheus charged forward, in an instant he scored a point, then another one right after! His enemy however started to adjust to the speed after the 3rd consecutive touch.
“5-2” Screamed the bystander
Squinting eyes, a little back and forth and then when very close for Orpheus to get another point, his enemy became small, backed off and scored! If the priest wasn’t careful enough he would not be able to win so easily… thing he really wanted! Thinking made him lose focus and he lost another point from his advantage… one more to him and them again, 6-5, ok that was enough for him time to get his cheating on!
“The purge of the cross!”
Chains engulf the enemy unable to move their limbs…
“Now, now we never said no magic right?” Slight smirk, point!
The beastling shifted but the chains followed no chance to escape this spell!
And so the match ended, with lessons learned and new friends.
“Very nice match I dare say!”
Submitted By Kimikochin
for A new Transformation
Submitted: 1 year 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 3 months ago