"It's peaceful here"
The only sound that can be heard is echo of water as it falls into the depths of the abyss and a faint hum that sounds from chapped lips. Genova breathes in the stale air, looking down at the depths that sit below him. He's only able to see as far as the bioluminescent fungi will allow. Its been quiet ever since Genova found himself wandering the abyss of Candoris, left with nothing but his thoughts and the oddly beautiful shadows the fungi cast on the cave walls. With legs dangling precariously over the edge of a stone bridge, Genova sighs wistfully. It may be eerie here, but Genova doesn't mind one bit.
Submitted By Pickled_Pleb
for To Candoris and Beyond
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Submitted: 4 months 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months 1 week ago