Traits are special features that a character may have! These are uncommon to mythical in rarity and are unlocked by joining events, gathering seasonal currency, and buying the corresponding trait item. You can then submit a MYO with said trait item, or send a design update request with one if you'd like to add a trait to an existing character. Trait items can be found throughout most shops in many realms, so you may want to go window shopping...

New traits are released for each season, and for special occassions and events!


Crystallized (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Cool Pepper

Season: Winter

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed crystallized features. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, or a whole limb. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It may also cause an icy / snowflake aura around the character, or floating crystals.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Plushified (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Plush Patches

Season: Winter

Parts of these beings have turned into plush. How curious. This allows for the addition of plush patches, stitches or plush limbs made of fabric to a character. It also allows for yarn in place of strands of hair!

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Bioluminiscent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Glow Paint

Season: Spring

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed glowing, bioluminicent body parts. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, markings or scales as well.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: This trait is not needed for species that naturally glow such as Arma Caeli. You may add glow to things that naturally glow without needing this trait.


Earthen (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: The Shatterer

Season: Spring

These creatures have body parts made out of stone, clay or earth. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It can also simply cause floating stones or pieces around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Watery (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ocean Flute

Season: Summer

Water magic seems to affect bits of these characters body, turning them liquid. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating ripples of water. There may also be bubbles floating around the character.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Sparkling (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Pearl Powder

Season: Spring

These individuals shine so bright that they emanate sparkles or stars that surround them like an aura. The sparkles can be any shape or color.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: You are free to add sparkle/shine to any artwork as a stylistical feature, this only concerns a very extreme sparkle effect that would be noticable in their world, and has taken on an almsot tangible form (similar to snowflakes floating).


Fungal (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any

Season: Autumn

Mushrooms have formed on the body of these creatures, either turning their limb into mushroom like material or sprouting mushrooms. This can cover any type of mushroom, and you may also add a bit of wood if they are reliant on growing on such. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Mutation (Extraordinary) Masterlist Examples

Category: Misc
Species: Any
Granted By: TBE

Allows the character to have features that would otherwise not be possible in their species, but within reason. Most commonly this means an unnatural sclera/skin color, additional limbs, or other oddities.


Irregular (Unattainable) Masterlist Examples

Category: Misc
Species: Any
Granted By: TBE

Trait that marks a character as having features that are irregular within the species (eg. due to being designed early, or rules changing over time). These features cannot be aquired or used.


Deity (Unattainable) Masterlist Examples

Category: Form
Species: Any
Granted By: TBE
Varies, but tends to be related to the kind they relate to. Deities are mysterious beings. It is rumoured they exist among any species, but not all of them are known or show themselves.
25 results found.