<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/item-categories?name=Cultivation" class="display-category">Cultivation</a>


Plant seeds or objects that can be placed in plots for cultivation, yielding different items.

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/175" class="display-item">Coin Seeds</a>

Coin Seeds


Category: Cultivation

Cultivates: 100x Coin

It's just coins in a bag. Larali swears you can grow a tree that grows coins with it, though! 100 of them!

Using this wood on a Peculiar Trees plot will allow you to eventually grow a Coin Tree!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/211" class="display-item">Plush Patch Pattern</a>

Plush Patch Pattern


Category: Cultivation

Cultivates: 1x Plush Patches

A pattern for plush patches. Does this really need a tutorial?

Using this wood on a Sewing plot will allow you to eventually create Plush Patches!

Stocks at:
<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/212" class="display-item">Cool Pepper Seeds</a>

Cool Pepper Seeds


Category: Cultivation

Cultivates: 1x Cool Pepper

Seeds that are cold to the touch. It seems like they might like winter.

Planting these seeds in a Extraordinaty Plants plot will allow you to eventually harvest a Cool Pepper.

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/213" class="display-item">Vial of Floof</a>

Vial of Floof


Category: Cultivation

Cultivates: 1x Potion of Floof

A cute, round pink vial that lacks floof. How strange.

Using this vial with a Potion Brewing plot will allow you to eventually brew the Potion of Floof!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/228" class="display-item">Soul Flask</a>

Soul Flask


Category: Cultivation

Cultivates: 1x Synthetic Soul

A beautiful flask that should be used to hold something precious.

Using this flask with a Advanced Magics plot will allow you to eventually harvest a Synthetic Soul!

15 results found.