It's finally time to officially introduce the new cultivation feature on Realms Away! As many of you have probably seen, we have a new Cultivation page to play with. But what does it actually do, and how does it work? If you have been visiting the Serpent's Apples daily diligently, you will be granted all items you need to get started for now.
Cultivation is here
The goal of cultivation is to earn/grow specific items over time. For this, you will need to follow these steps:
- Unlock an area for cultivation by using the exploration item for it! Midgardsormr should have awared you with a Map to Serpent Glade
- Prepare an unused plot with a tool item. Fortunately, Midgardsormr prepared a Snake Rake for you. Beware though that not every area can be perpared with every tool.
- Now that the plot is ready, you can plant seed items! Not every seed item works on every plot, but you an find seeds for apples at the Apple Tree that work with this first plot!
With something planted, now is the time to keep tending to the plot daily. You may tend to 10 plots each day, so in future you may want to choose wisely. Your plot progress is displayed when you click on it, letting you know when the next stage of progression is reached. Once the final stage is there, you will be able to harvest your reward!
future thoughts
Cultivation has a lot of potential, and I don't want this to go unused. Other than elemental apples, I plan to use it for cultivating off-season trait items. There will be new types of areas for this, as well as many new items and a lot of new art that needs to be drawn (plus, Fengarion will return with a new store, offering you the items to plant for a sizable amount of magic)...As such, please be patient with me- it will happen, I just need some time cx