Celestial Ring


created by Xin

Can be joined by characters.

Come one, come all! Step into this vast magical world of fantasy and magic, where you'll find yourself entranced and longing for more~!

This circus, a dazzling array of spectacles and performances, served as the perfect mask for the activities of its esteemed ringleader, Victor.
The Celestial Ring's income flowed from the pockets of enthralled spectators, funding their more shadowy operations. Their circus tent was a beacon of wonder by day and a nexus of intrigue by night, where nimble assassins plotted amidst the aerialists and clowns.
In Nightglade, where the Infernal Menagerie held sway with Hex Curio at its helm, the arrival of the Celestial Ring and Victor marked the beginning of a silent struggle for supremacy. Both factions, though similar in their theatrical veneer, were distinct in their methods and madness.
Location: Nightglade, Lopilands
Faction Ranks


The leader of Celestial Ring.

Member Ranks

The Shadowweavers are masters of stealth and subterfuge within the Celestial Ring. They specialize in covert operations, espionage, and the art of assassination. With their ability to blend into the darkness and move unseen, they are the unseen hands that carry out the faction's most delicate and dangerous tasks.
Radiant Enchantress
The Radiant Enchantresses are the mystics and manipulators of the Celestial Ring, wielding their bioluminescent powers to beguile and enchant. They are skilled in the arts of illusion and persuasion, using their glow to captivate and deceive both friend and foe alike.
Starlight Virtuoso
The Starlight Virtuosos are the performers and entertainers of the Celestial Ring, using their bioluminescent abilities to dazzle and entertain audiences. They are skilled artists and artisans, creating mesmerizing acts that serve as a veil for the faction's true intentions.
Eclipse Saboteur
The Eclipse Saboteurs are the disruptors and agents of chaos within the Celestial Ring, specializing in sabotage, infiltration, and destabilization. They use their abilities to sow discord and confusion among the faction's enemies.
Twilight Whisperers
Spies and information brokers who gather intelligence from the streets of Nightglade and beyond, feeding vital data back to the Celestial Ring. They excel in deciphering cryptic messages, extracting secrets, and uncovering hidden truths that shape the faction's strategies and decisions.
Glowborn Initiates
Newly initiated members of the Celestial Ring, undergoing training and proving their loyalty to the faction. They are mentored by senior members and tasked with completing trials to demonstrate their worthiness to ascend to higher ranks within the organization.

Members: 6 ・ See All