<i class="fas fa-magic mr-1"></i>Rainy Days and Tea with a Faun
It had been a while since the weary alchemist had time to not throw their whole mind into researching the unknown and instead browsed books because they held more of a leisure interest.
Which is how the alchemist found themselves perusing a bookstore’s selection, the third row down from the front door of the shorter shelf stock to see if they couldn’t pick up about any new scientific topics. It helped that the store had its own cafe with a cozy and warm interior during an overcast shortly before the light drizzle of rain tickled the windows in soft rasps and a soft chill in the air. Autumn had come and the alchemist was happy to embrace the quiet reading time.
A small cough drew his attention. A long-legged faun approached, his lovely hooves clapping against the warm stone tiles. "Good afternoon, can I help you find anything?" he asked softly, the lush long robe along his form obscuring most of his under garments but tastefully drawing the eye. "First time in?" He added helpfully.
The small cough did make the alchemist jump slightly and exhaled softly behind the mask to calm themselves as they closed the book quietly to glance up at the faun.
“Oh, yes. First time here.” They explained as they placed the previous book back on the shelf. “I’m looking for any science and magic publications. I’ve been away for a while and … wanted to catch up.” They gave a small gesture with their clawed gauntlets.
"Oh, I see, I can offer you a look at our new arrivals in the back?" He offered, his voice deeper and smoother yet soft in nature. "I just got fresh stock this morning, I just finished putting them on a cart to be put out onto shelf," He mused softly. "Do you seek novels or research papers specifically?"
“I would love to see what arrived.” Rei answered courteously back, though in their monotone voice. “I seek all available mediums.” They added after the continuing question, though glanced around briefly with a soft jingle of their veil. “Is there perhaps a colder corner I could sit in afterward?”
"Too warm in here?" the faun asked before turning on their heels and looking back over their shoulder at them, readily deciding to lead them deeper into the book covered shelves and maze-like structures. "I do have a quiet corner for you."
“It’s the… robes.” Rei hesitated with a small gesture to their overdressed self before cordially following the faun with a cautious step. “Thank you.”
"I understand completely, I too dress down," he said with a smirk as he turned completely. The light catching the sheer robe and giving the faint indication of what little was underneath. "But worry not," He mused, "The back is plenty cold," He offered warmly as the light flickered away past the curtains.
Rei did catch a good glimpse of what little the faun wore but tried not to glance down too often as they followed him to the back. “Do you often get those who prefer the cold?”
A small tail wag continued as the faun led him to the back room that immediately cooled down. "Feel free to settle in, I'll bring that cart back and you can look things over in peace," He mused, gesturing to the large lounge chair in the corner with adjustable light fixtures.
Ohkay, maybe Rei just spoke too softly? They sheepishly nodded once to the bookkeeper and stepped inside the smaller space to get a good look around just to familiarize themselves with the space. It definitely felt a lot cooler here, temperature wise. They paused to take note of any windows or curtains before they made themselves too comfortable.
Once seated the faun leaned against the door. "We get a few who request it, but I just think they are people with taste. Many don't make special requests and just get lost in the crowd," The faun winked. "Hold tight, be right back~" They offered before closing the door and leaving to retrieve the cart. Though the room was simple, it had lavish curtains and dark wood with warm walls and simple green paint. The books along the tabletop consisted of adventure books and other fictions alike.
Rei seemed a little unsure about easing into any comfortable chair, but they did pick up one adventure book to thumb through it before closing it to put it back and take out the next one with an interesting title.
Internally, they were pondering what the bookkeeper meant by special requests. Were there some people who were a little fruity in their intimate lives, or was it that they wanted to lock themselves out from the rest of the world? Rei had seen both but never desired to ask them further questions about their… reasons, to put it lightly.
Slowly the door opened, and the smooth sound of a well-loved cart entered the room, brimming with folders, books and journals bound in leather. He paused to straighten a few books on the end and gave a small offer of his hand. "Here we are~" He offered softly. "Feel free to look things over but know if you wish to check any of this out it might take a bit as I haven't put them into the database yet to be checked out. My name is May, I own the Library and Cafe but I'm happy to offer my assistance should you need it," he said clasping his hands together. "May I ask your name for the records at the front?"
Hearing the cart signaled the alchemist to set the adventure book down to approach the book-keeper — ahem owner of the library — to inspect the titles and pick a few out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, May.” Rei offered in response, albeit stiffly. They had been looking at him from the peripheral of their mask, but it was hard to tell where their gaze was at all. “I go by Rei: R-E-I.” They spelled out with a small breath between, “I don’t know if I will be checking any out, but I will note of any that are a touch too controversial.” They offered in response.
"Respectable, I can put them in our restricted section should you find anything too inappropriate for any age. I appreciate your input," May offered with a warm smile. "Do you drink tea?" The faun asked, jotting a note down on a small pad and slipping it back into their robe.
“I do drink tea.” Rei answered in a softer tone, giving a small nod despite the hesitation in their neck for it. “Depends on what kind of tea…” they added in a soft musing.
"I'll be sure to provide you an assortment," He offered softly. "I shall return, enjoy and settle in," The faun offered before bowing and retreating back out of the room and gently closing the door. They walked down the hall to the Tea room and began to put together the beverage for the human.
Rei hesitated at the thought of entirely "settling in" but they did go to the comfortable chair in the corner with the adjustable lighting, sinking into it after picking up a few of the papers they had missed while they were out in Ihrutia and Candoris. The sound of the rain drumming against the windowsill and tickling the glass was extremely soothing, so much so that they had to wake themselves up a little with a soft bristle of their shoulders.
A short while later the faun gently knocked on the door and reappeared with a tray of cups, sugar, assorted teas, and a warm kettle. They settled it down atop the table and smiled warmly. "I provided a wide variety of what we have available. Some Green, Some black. Let me know what doesn't suit your fancy and I'll be sure to keep it from your tray should you stop in again~"
The alchemist glanced up from their knee-deep state in books and nodded once, their mask still on. "Thank you, I... greatly appreciate that." They thanked in response, closing the book gingerly to place it aside and approaching the tea tray to peer over the chosen assortment, even flipping some to read ingredients or holding it up to their mask's 'nose' to take a gentle sniff of it. Seems someone was a touch picky.
"This isn't everything, but I do have alternatives should you prefer something here in a loose-leaf form or packet," he mused before looking up at the clock on the wall. "Have you found something to read that suits your fancy?" He asked glancing back to the stacks of books.
“On dreary days, I prefer something a little spicier to combat any sinking cold trying to be let in.” Rei gently informed May, if anything, to help the poor faun who was genuinely trying to understand the alchemist’s strange tics. The mask turned to face the faun curiously as the alchemist gave a lot hum. “There’s a few good updates, but I found some papers to be a little more than a duckling.” Rei sighed softly and rolled their shoulders slowly as they had taken off the armor pieces that adorned their shoulders, and they weren’t used to not having the weight there. “It’s a bit more frustrating than I was hoping for…”
Little more than a duckling? Hm. He nodded before reaching forward to present a dark spiced Chai to Rei which had been towards the back. "I have this and other options in the back if this is too strong," He offered. "As for your papers, I can also order something in for a price if that’s something you need," He mused before approaching the window and double checking its seal. "You should try and get comfortable," he said straightening up. "Theres a bell call button by the door, if you need anything, press that and I'll be right there," he offered warmly.
Rei gingerly took the chair from May’s offering hand as delicately as the clawed digits of the gauntlet could handle and turned it to read into it before taking a small sniff and nodded in approval. “This will do nicely, thank you.” Choosing a cup and filling it was far less painful to watch as they chose quickly and moved concisely. “Eh, the subjects I’m searching for are unfortunately very difficult to get a hold of unless you know the codex to break the way people hide their secrets. And at that point I would be reading cookbooks and culinary expanding self-help books.” Rei offered in response, hoping that May would sort of… get the gist of what they were trying to say in morse code.
"Mmm," He hummed trying to grapple with the way he'd said it. "Well, my dear, hopefully you can find something to help you relax regardless. My name is May, I'll be all over the place if you need me. I'll mark the door for you to keep you from being interrupted," He offered softly before sliding towards the door and giving a small bow. "I've got to get back now but let me know if I can supply more comfort," He offered.
Rei sort of eyed May warily as this was the second time that the librarian had mentioned their name, and it made the alchemist believe that the faun had already forgotten their previous conversation outside a few key phrases that was hard routed in the usual dialogue that the librarian had to constantly and consistently repeat due to their occupation.
A little more disheartened that they’d make much of an impact in the ways of meaningful interaction, the alchemist set up their tea to steep next to them and sat down as quietly as they could manage, flicking open another book dejectedly. Their monotone voice keeping their emotions well concealed, and their outer appearance rather robotic. “Yes, thank you May. I’ll try not to be a bother for you.”
May took pause at the way he seemed to deflate. Taking a moment, he approached the chair and sank to eye level with him. "Have I repeated a line too many times? Did I say something to offend?" he asked, sliding his glasses off his face, and rubbing his face. "I never meant to offend."
Rei did not lift his head up when May sank to eye level with him and merely sighed softly as his finger parted the pages delicately of the book he was holding.
“No, you’re fine.” He bluntly replied, emotionless in his response. “You didn’t offend me. I just want to respect your time.”
May chewed his lip and gently moved to sit beside him. "I'm sorry. I've been working for several days in a row. I never intended to take your words for granted, but when you hit your groove," He mused before smiling weakly. "M... maybe you can show me what you find during my lunch break?"
The genuine attempt made Rei reconsider by lowering the book for a moment before sheepishly sighing. “F-forgive me… I’ve had … the week that came from hell these past few days. It’s been… exceptionally draining and I don’t want to bruise anyone’s perception more than I already have.” They paused and glanced back to the book, the mask still unreadable. “You’re better to ask me questions than for me to begin explaining anything right now… I’ll just go onto unrelated tangents.”
"I like tangents," May offered gently touching his shoulder. "I offer you this, take your time, unwind and I'll be back hm?" He offered warmly before standing and removing his hand. "I want to hear what you've found, and I'll start thinking of worthwhile questions okay?" He offered with a soft warmth that never faded.
Cross Posted to TH: https://toyhou.se/~literature/200084.rainy-days-and-tea-with-a-faun
Red is Rei
Green is May
Submitted By xXAuraTaurusXx
for Rainy Days
Submitted: 1 year 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year 4 months ago
2023-09-08 15:33:49
Feature Comment